Below are a small sampling of photos taken in the early 1980's during Irma's tenure in Saudi Arabia. Subjects included are Red Sea diving, exploring, interacting with the Saudi people and therapy work at the hospital in Taif.
Irma & Pat - October 1982
Irma in Red Sea - October 1982
Adventure Club at Asir National Park - 1981
Darcy Morse, Eric Seibers, Fred Siebers, Kathy Leidenberger, Tony Downy, Kornelia (Corrie) Von Lierop, Eva Leidenberger, Irma Kackert, Afaf Leidenberger, Fimi Schultze, Pat Laffey, Russell Schultze, Hans Leidenberger
Bertie & Pat at Crater - Nov 1982
Crater Camp
Picnic for Rehab Patients - April 1982
Village Near Bani Sad